Summerspiel 2011

Anthracite Curling Club Summerspiel is a casually-competitive tournament occupying a six-week block of time the club has reserved at The Ice Rink at Coal Street Park.

Each of the eight teams competing at Summerspiel will play a total of five games and the best won-lost record will determine its champion.

Stacey/IceTechs 3 0 0 W3
Binghamton 2 0 .5 W2
Squirrels 2 0 .5 W2
Happy Hour 2 1 1 W1
Bitter End 0 2 2.5 L2
Platoon 0 2 2.5 L2
Cracked Ice 0 2 2.5 L2
Team Piatt 0 2 2.5 L2

2011 Summerspiel
Tues., July 26
Binghamton 9, Cracked Ice 1
Stacey/IceTechs 9, Platoon 4
Happy Hour 12, Piatt 2

Tues., Aug. 2
Stacey f. Ice Techs 6, Piatt 4
Squirrels 9, Happy Hour 2
Binghamton 5, Bitter End 4

Tues., Aug. 9
Squirrels 10, Platoon 5
Stacey f. Ice Techs 7, Cracked Ice 6
Happy Hour 8, Bitter End 6

Tues., Aug. 16
Bitter End vs. Cracked Ice
Platoon vs. Binghamton
Piatt vs. Squirrels

Tues., Aug. 23
Stacey f. Ice Techs vs. Happy Hour
Piatt vs. Binghamton
Cracked Ice vs. Platoon
Squirrels vs. Bitter End

Tues., Aug. 30
Piatt vs. Bitter End
Squirrels vs. Cracked Ice
Stacey f. Ice Techs vs. Binghamton
Platoon vs. Happy Hour

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