Funspiel, championship date set

Anthracite Curling Club will host the annual Funspiel 2011 on Tues., June 21, from 6 p.m. until 10 p.m. at The Ice Rink at Coal Street in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

The Championship match of the Spring 2011 League is scheduled for 8 p.m. on Sheet 1. That draw will feature the champions of the Smith and Fell conferences.

Weather permitting, there will be a charcoal grill, hot dogs, buns, condiments provided by Char Hick (Cracked Ice). All members are encouraged to attend and please feel free to bring food/drinks to share. There will be a list of items people will be bringing at future League nights, so check the list, and sign-up. There are still plates, napkins, utensils and cups.

Guests are encouraged! This would be the perfect opportunity to introduce your friends and family to what you do and to meet fellow club members.

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